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You wanna play hard?? study hard !!!! yups maybe this is my own quote and always be my motivator to achieve more and more and more, lol.

So if you already study very hard but your score still suck, follow these instruction. I guarantee nothing, but nothing to loose if you try.

First tips, never skipping class alias jangan bolos. Why?? even if you sleep in the class, in here (Indonesia) presence is extra point right?? at least your teacher or lecturer knows you, that's a point too.

Second Tips, finish your assignment alias selesaikan tugas yang diberikan. Believe me, this is extra point too. No matter the result, it will helps you to get a good score.

Third Tips, collect everything you need for exam, maksudnya kumpulkan semua yang lo butuhkan buat ujian, books, presentation, note and many more. You don't have read all, just collect first.

Fourth Tips, this is connected with previous tips, i mean after you collect everything, you must find leaks or prediction or whatever it call in legal way. I'm not a Cheater. Maksudnya lo harus temukan kisi-kisi, bocoran, ramalan atau apapun namanya. Sumbernya banyak, bisa dari guru/dosen, teman dan lain sebagainya. Pokoknya pakai cara-cara yang halalan toyyiban, bukan curang.

Fifth Tips, re-write what you read, it help you to remember. Tulis kembali semua yang lo baca dan pelajari, ini sangat membantu untuk lo mengingat.

Last Tips, Pray .... wish some luck. Berdoa, supaya yang lo pelajari dan ketahui keluar sebagai soal ujian. Passsss banget kan. 

Use this tips!! maybe you'll achieve this score. Enjoy!!!!


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